"Dinners ready" I said.
She stretched and let out a little squeal as she did so, then looking at me said "what did I do to deserve such a good son"?
"Good, clean living I guess. Wash up before it gets cold" and I reached out to help her up.
"Thanks sweetie" she said as she stood, then "wait… I need a hug". I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, holding her face to my chest and buried my nose in her hair. A mother’s smell is comforting, its one place we always feel safe, secure and loved, so why did I continue to feel a stirring in my loins? I couldn’t help myself, Monica and Beth were right, I am "a dirty boy".
I let go of her and we held hands as we walked inside. Mom said "wow, candles, how special. Is there a waiter serving us as well"?
"No, you’ll have to settle for me" I said with mock disappointment.
"That’s OK, I’m sure you’ll do a better job than some old waiter, besides how many waiters are this good looking" she said looking in my face holding and squeezing both my hands.
We ate our dinner with only a little small talk, the increasing sexual tension had become obvious to both of us. Where was this leading I wondered? To her warm naked embrace I hoped, but I was more nervous than I had ever been. All the women I had been with were sexy and beautiful to me. All were deserving of being treated like the special ladies they were, but this was different, very different. My mother, her face was familiar, yet it also belonged to someone who was a complete stranger. I decided to just continue down the road I was already travelling on, excited with the possibilities but afraid of the consequences.
"How about that swim" I asked hopefully?
"I’ll come and keep you company, how about that".
"OK, I guess, but eventually you ARE coming in" I said sternly.
She smiled and said "we’ll see big guy".
As we walked mom slipped her hand in mine and when I looked at her she smiled warmly. At the dock she sat on the edge and I jumped in, a cannon ball, and she shrieked as I got her wet. "You brat, you dirty little…" and then she began laughing. "I’m am gonna get you for that, when you least expect it, I’m am gonna get you".
I just smiled my mouth just below the water’s surface. I popped up and said "Since you’re already wet, why not just come on in"?
"All right" she said "you win, I’m coming".
I watched her stand then she turned around and I saw her unbutton her shorts and with her thumbs in the waist band she slid them off her slender hips and over her fine ass. As she bent over her ass was pointed right at my face and her suit had ridden up into the crack of her ass. All I wanted to do at that point was pull it out with my teeth. Then I began to wonder if Beth would want to lick my cum off my mother’s ass? Would Monica? I hoped to find out!
"There… now everyone can see my boney ass… happy" she asked?
I laughed, "First, no one can see you here but me, and second, I think you have a mighty fine derriere, no bones about it".
"Oh now you’re a comedian too? Let’s add that to you list of talents. Comedian, cook, counselor, you do it all" she said with a warm smile. She slipped into the water quietly and glided up next to me. "The water does feel nice, you were right again" all the time she talked she was looking deep into my eyes as a lover does. She took a deep breath and dropped below the surface, I felt her hands on my shorts and she yanked them down in one smooth motion.
I let out a yelp of surprise but I didn’t struggle, intrigued with what was happening. When she popped up she was holding the shorts and said "what will you give me to get them back to you"?
I smiled and said, "I don’t need them, I have always liked being naked".
My mom just twirled my shorts on her finger, then said "damn… I can’t get a rise out of you" and with that she threw my shorts to the shore and climbed out onto the dock, the water running off her back and down between her legs where I desperately wanted to be. She gathered up her towel and shorts saying with a devilish grin "Coming"?
I just smiled back and climbed out in all my naked glory. Her pantsing me caused my cock to begin to wake up. I walked over to my shorts and instead of putting them on I just handed them to my mom and said "you dropped these" and walked back to the cabin, my cock and balls waving heavy in the warm evening breeze.
My mom walked behind me up the path, then beside me. She grabbed my hand again and asked, "Want to watch the sunset with your old mom"?
I squeezed her hand and replied "No, but I’d love to watch it with a beautiful woman". Mom smiled at this and walked inside and grabbed a couple cold sodas, while I pulled my shorts back on.
She sat down on the porch loveseat and patted the spot next to her. She began to talk "Are we connecting" she asked? "I think we are and I think you feel it to".
"Mom, you know I love you with all my heart, but it’s going to take more than a weekend to make up for what’s already been done. I know you love me and have done your best to be a good mom, and I do love you for that and appreciate all the effort you have put into taking care of us, but the fact is you haven’t been a mom to me. Good bad or indifferent aren’t even choices for the kind of mom you have been because all you have been is absent".
Well, of course then the tears began to flow from both of us, and she turned away not sure what to say. I wrapped my arms around her, my tears dripping on her shoulder and whispered "Relax sweet heart, it’s OK, it’s OK, I’m not angry with you, just what life has dealt us. I love you and I want you to feel better about yourself, to remake yourself into a person you’re happy with".
My mom looked up at me, tears running down her cheeks, a lost and afraid little girl looking for comfort. Your right, I have been totally absent from you and your life. I want to make it up to you, but I just don’t know where to begin".
I smiled and kissed away her salty tears "My wonderful princess, you’ve made this great start, this trip is just what we needed".
"Yeah, I suppose it is… well, where do we go from here "she asked quietly. "I can’t go from absent mom to super mom in one quick swoop, I’m not even sure you will let me be a mom to you… or if you even need a mom".
"I will never stop needing you, but by not being with me, you have ignored your responsibilities as my parent and now the last six years are gone forever, you can’t get them back. Now… maybe we need to find a way to bring our lives together again, some special thing we can share together, like a hobby or other activity, something we both enjoy doing, that gets us excited to start a new day… yeah, we need a new start".
We both watched the sun set in a blaze of color, my arm around her and her head resting on my chest, both her hands resting innocently on my thigh. We sat in silence for a while until she asked "Do you think I’m pretty Tom"?
"I joked "For an old lady".
"No" she complained, sounding hurt, "I’m serious! You find Mrs. Tower attractive, I’m almost half her age and yet I don’t seem to turn any heads, not like I used to".
Ignoring the fact she was fishing for a compliment I said "You said you were pretty wild back in your younger days".
Mom nodded her head slightly and said "Yeah… I did some pretty wild things, some things I’m not proud of and others I really miss" and she became wistful again.
"What happened" I asked, "why the change"?
"I don’t know… life I guess… work, family… it all gets in the way".
"Tell me more about your wild days" I asked? "What did you like to do that was so bad or should I say Wild"?
"I don’t know that I can talk to you about this, it feels kind of… well… wrong".
"I have given you a LOT of personal information, things I have never spoken to anyone about before. I never kiss and tell, but I just did with you because you’re my mom and I trust you with my most personal secrets, and its only right and fair that you can do the same with me" I insisted.
She looked at me for a long moment and said "You’re right, you have, but I am still your mother and I think I need to hold some information back, I just don’t feel right about letting everything out. Are you OK with that?
"For now" I replied sounding disappointed.
"OK, OK don’t pout" she teased "A short time after Little Billy or should I say his big brother Gary introduced me to the pleasure of sex, I had another eye opening experience" and she left that hanging in the air between us for a moment and then continued "I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to tell you, I’m afraid you might not like what you hear".
I gently lifted her face to mine and said softly "I will never think bad things of you. I have felt your love in many different ways and our sharing this weekend has only strengthened my love. Go ahead I am listening and I promise no judgment".
"She smiled at me and said I know I shouldn’t worry about you, but it’s hard…. Ok, here goes. Like I said, just after my first sexual experience Dana, your aunt, and her boyfriend asked me to visit her at her college. While I was there we got drunk and high one night and I told them about losing my virginity. By the next morning I had learned many more things about sex, things I’m sure your grandparents never dreamed I would ever know in my lifetime".
"Did you have a… relationship… with Aunt Dana" I asked?
Mom was silent then she said softly "yes… I can’t believe I told you that. I know you’re going to hate me, think I’m dirty…."
"Stop" I insisted. "I said no judgment and I meant no judgment. Since you shared that I’ll tell you I have also shared two beautiful women, and you don’t think bad of me do you"?
She looked at me searching my eyes for the truth and said "I believe you… I would never think anything bad about you".
I didn’t believe what I was about to say but charged ahead as if in a dream watching myself "The two women were a mother and daughter…" and it was my turn to let that float in the air between us in silence.
Her head still resting on my chest she said very softly and with no sign of regret "Like mother, like son I suppose".
The sun had completely set now and the full moon was lighting up the horizon. Mom sat up straight, looked at me and said "It’s been a long day and I’m drained" she stood and added with a gentle smile "emotionally drained… but I don’t regret it". At that she turned and walked inside.
I gathered the soda cans and threw them out. I brushed my teeth and lay down on the sofa for the night. My mother’s door remained closed and an eerie silence filled the cabin. As I lay in the dark I began to think of my mother in a m?ge with Aunt Dana and her college boyfriend. My cock began to stir again, but I resisted the urge to satisfy myself, but then I heard my mother’s door open slowly and I saw a figure peeking out. Slowly the door opened all the way, and I moved so that my head rested on the arm of the sofa and I was looking at my mother’s silhouette framed by the door and brightly back lit by the full moon shining through her window. I could see her slim boyish body outlined under her night shirt, her face just a dark space above her body, inscrutable. Then I saw her hands move to her belly and begin to move about her torso. Lower belly, to upper belly then slowly to her chest. Her hands seemed to linger at her breasts and I understood that she was rubbing her nipples. I imagined them fully erect, straining against the material itching to be free. My cock sprang to life and was hard in a quick second, an obvious and menacing bulge, even in the dark, my left hand went behind my head to keep me comfortable while I watched my mother stimulate herself. I could resist the urge no more and my right hand moved to my cock and began to rub it through my shorts with long slow strokes. I heard my mother’s breathing quicken one hand always on a breast and the other exploring the rest of her beautiful self. Then she approached, and I found myself looking up to her face, her lips slightly parted and her chest heaving. My hand reached down my shorts and grabbed my now throbbing cock freeing it from my shorts, stroking… stroking. I lifted my hips and with my other hand pushed my shorts down and off my feet one at a time.
Mom’s eyes played up and down my body the way a woman does to a lover and then she spoke to me "This is wrong…"
I interrupted her "but mom…."
"Shhhhh…" she whispered "hush and listen… don’t talk" she continued, "I have been absent from your life, but you found the strength to become more of a man than anyone I have ever known" and as she spoke one hand began to brush my hair and then caress my face. "I watched you from afar these last six years, too proud to admit I needed help raising you, working so hard I never got close to you, I always thought I had time, but now I know I was so wrong. Time is a thief that flees in the night taking everything we hold near and dear. Now I find you’re all grown up without any help from me, young handsome and strong and I’m nothing to you anymore, just a lonely woman lost and missing the son I never gave away, but gave up all the same".
"I’m here for you now…" I started to say, but she hushed me again with a finger on my lips.
"I need to talk and I need you need to listen" then she smiled a sweet loving smile. She squatted next to me, her eyes lingering on parts of my body normally hidden from all but the people we are most intimate with. Her fingers tracing a path to my chest, the sensation of pleasure in my cock building. I wanted her so badly, but I sensed this was not to be. "This weekend was the first time in years I had the chance to really look at you, and I have to say I liked what I saw. Your handsome face, beautiful body, toned and tanned… and that magnificent cock of yours… I saw you had become a sexual being and you were no longer my little boy. I became afraid I had lost you and would never find you again, but after last night and today I realized you had grown into a fine young man, honest, caring, and strong, physically and emotionally, stronger than I ever was or will be". Then she gave me a mock serious look and continued "Don’t think I didn’t notice all your sexual teasing, shamelessly flaunting your manhood in front of me, that was driving me crazy" then her look became soft again and she continued "I’ll be honest I loved every second of it, but I have been battling myself every waking minute. You see, I had finally found the perfect man for me…" and as she said this she bent over to me, her breath warm and moist against my lips, I couldn’t hold back any longer and I began to climax just as her lips brushed softly against mine, sending sparks to all corners of my body, a stream of my hot cum burst from my cock in spasms to coat my chest and belly again and again until it dripped slowly over my hand that held my cock, she then softly finished "but he cannot be my lover because he is my son".
My mom then stood and walked to the kitchen where she wet a towel, letting the water run until it was warm. She came back to me looking so very sexy, her body close to me but untouchable. She wiped me clean, lingering on my still engorged cock "I always enjoyed giving you baths as a baby, you were always such a sweet baby, but now… "Then mom was quiet and I could see a tear on her cheek. When she finished she smiled and bent over kissing my forehead, "good night my prince" and then she disappeared into her room.
I lay restless for hours, my mind spinning "what just happened" I asked myself? Finally I fell asleep, and I dreamed I was talking to my mother and she was imploring me not to give up on her, to be patient and she would be mine in time.
When I awoke the next morning to the smell of brewing coffee, the dawn was just beginning to push out the night. I stood up, my morning erection heavy in my shorts. I went out to the patio, but mom wasn’t there. I walked to the river and she was nowhere to be seen. As I walked back to the cabin I saw a lounge chair was missing. I figured she was out front watching the sun rise. I went back inside and poured her a cup of coffee, added the milk and sugar she liked and went looking for her.
"Good morning sweetheart" she said from her lounge chair, a blanket covering her. She added "Beautiful sunrise this morning… please sit and join me".
As I approached she stood up and motioned for me to sit where she had been "I need a cuddle" she said.
"I poured you a cup, milk and sugar like you like it" I said as I held it out to her. She thanked me, and took the cup from my hands. I sat where she showed me and she waited as I opened my legs to make room for her. The tip of my cock peering out from the leg of my shorts, she turned around and as she straddled the chair preparing to sit, I saw her white panties, her ass exposed because her panties had pushed into the crack of her ass. I took her hips and guided her down. When she was seated she pushed back into me tightly, and as she spread the blanket over us I began to grow hard. When she felt my cocks head stab her back, she shifted forward and allowed my shaft to shift into a more comfortable position, then she surprised me and pressed back into me. I knew she felt my excitement, and she was letting it happen.
"I always loved the dawn" she said. "I feel it means a chance for new beginnings, each dawn a chance to do things over a chance to get things right, like a clean slate… like yesterday never happened". After a moment she added "I haven’t seen many dawns these last six years, it’s hard to enjoy them when you cooped up working". My mom rested her head on my chest. She smelled of stale sweat and sunscreen and I loved it. She seemed to melt into my body and began to gently rub my leg.
I pressed my face into her hair, "I love you mom" I whispered, "This IS the start of a new day… of new beginnings if you choose, and like this sunrise this beginning could be a beautiful thing, or it can be just another day like those of the last six years, but you just need to ask yourself, do you want more guaranteed unhappiness and no change or do you want to take a chance at happiness and big changes".
"The kind of change you’re talking about scares the hell out of me" she said. "This could destroy any chance of us having a normal loving relationship. What you want… what I want… always seems to screw up relationships. I don’t want to take that risk, I CAN’T take that risk.
I thought for a minute, my mother had some good points. I was conflicted, a raging battle in my mind between the little boy who wanted his mommy and the ever more powerful man I was becoming who wanted to take her, hold her in my arms, and pleasure her as a lover. I finally found my voice and as the little boy faded into the back ground of my mind I spoke "How often do you talk to Aunt Dana" I asked?
"I know where you’re going with this but that was totally different from this " she protested.
"Three times a week… four" I continued?
After a moment she replied quietly "Yeah… three or four".
I pressed on "You had multiple sexual relationships with your sister, sharing your lovers and each other I bet". I watched her neck and shoulders become flush, so I knew I was right and continued, determined to win her. "Nearly ten years of intimacy, and yet today you have a loving relationship but no sex. When you talk what do you talk about"?
"Our jobs, our families, children… you… how unhappy I am" she said with a sigh.
"Do you ever talk about your past or about having sex again"?
"No, that part of our lives is over. Your father became career oriented and didn’t want anything to jeopardize that, and then Dana hooked up with your uncle who is very old fashioned about sex. Kinky to him means leaving the lights on" and she laughed softly.
Softly, I continued "Sex didn’t destroy your relationship with Dana did it"?
She didn’t answer right away and I didn’t press her because we both knew the answer.
In silence we watched the sun rise above the distant horizon. Her body felt wonderful against mine, and I wanted so much for this to last. My cock softened slowly but mom remained pressed against me, her head on my chest. When the sun was fully in the sky and we felt its warm rays mom stood up and put down her coffee cup, folding the blanket and draping it over her arm she said "Come with me" and as she held out her hand she had a warm smile on her face. I took her hand and stood up then we proceeded inside. As she led me past the kitchen I put her cup down and continued walking behind her, hopeful. She tossed the blanket on the bed and continued to the bath. She bent over the tub and she ran the water until she was satisfied with the temperature. "Climb in sweetie, let’s get you cleaned up".
I pulled my shorts down, my cock pulsating to an erection. When I went to sit down she said "hold on, let me wash your legs" and proceeded to dip the wash cloth in the water and soap it up. She ran the cloth gently over my legs and then began to hum a song sweet and familiar, and I began to say the words in my head "Hush little baby, don’t say a word…." Suddenly I was a small child again. I watched my mother, her face peaceful and serene, once again bathing her little boy. "Momma loves her sweet boy" she said almost absentmindedly. She rubbed the cloth up the crack of my ass then over my fully erect cock jutting forward long and proud, her eyes looking intently, devouring every inch, stroking gently. When she took the cloth away her soapy fingers gave me a few more tentative strokes and she said "You are magnificent my love" then she motioned for me to sit and after I did she put her hand on my back to guide me forward. My mom washed my back, then after guiding me to sit back she also washed my chest… so gentle.
"My mind is a confused mess she finally said. I don’t know what to do".
"Join me" I said "we’ll wash away the past together, and then we can explore our future together".
"That future scares the hell out of me" she said as she stood up.
I followed her with my eyes and said softly "Me too mom, me too… but I am too far gone, my desires too strong and I see no other way, I want you… I need you".
Her smile was gentle towards me as she removed her night shirt, her small breasts gently drooping but her nipples thick and erect. She removed her panties, her bush thin but unshaven and her pussy lips so thick and inviting. She stepped into the tub sitting opposite me. I took the wash cloth and began to wash her feet and legs, she slid down in the tub, relaxed. I bent forward until I needed to shift forward to wash her belly and back. I kneeled in front of her, my cock pointing at her, veins popping. I washed her breasts gently and ran my soapy fingers over her nipples as she watched my face with so much love in her eyes.
We both moved closer, our legs wrapping around each other and we each began to wash each other’s hair, our hands moving slowly, gently, then I spoke "This is a new dawn for us, we will never again be the people we were last week or even yesterday. We have washed away all our yesterdays and only our tomorrows remain, we will work hard to build our lives anew and I promise you I will always be there for you".
"And I for you" my mom whispered, and then she breathlessly said what I have been aching to hear all weekend "Take me Tom, take me as you take a lover".
I pulled her close, my arms enveloping her, my cock gently brushing her soft soapy belly, her eyes sleepy with desire, her lips gently parted, we kissed for the first time as lovers do. Softly, gently tugging at each others lips, then our mouths opened and our tongues began to explore, gently at first but then with increasing intensity until our lips broke apart, forehead to forehead, breath ragged I said "Lets rinse off".
I untangled my legs from her and stood. I reached out and took both her hands and helped her to her feet, she looked into my eyes smiling, and then she turned around, and bent down to open the drain, white soap suds slowly running down her back side. The shower was soon running warm and we stood in its rain, an embrace of passion, my cock slippery against her soft belly, our lips hungrily devouring each other, hands groping and exploring each other’s bodies.
Again, we pulled apart, mom shut off the water and I grabbed a soft towel and surrounded her in its dry warmth and gently rubbed her dry. Mom then did the same for me starting playfully at my head, and ending sensuously at my cock, looking me in the eyes as she stroked the length of my shaft with the towel. She smiled and said of my cock "I do good work".
I smiled down at her then took the towel from her and tossed it aside. I stepped out of the tub and held her hand as she stepped out to join me. We walked together to her bed and she said "I should have been sharing this with you all weekend".
I swept her up into my arms like a little baby, looked into her eyes and answered, "We will have many years to share your bed, today is just the beginning", and as I bent into kiss her she pulled back playfully and said "you don’t snore do you"?
"Aghhhh…!" I shouted "you’re a tease" and I then gently laid her down on the bed and I lay myself next to her propped up on one elbow. I reached out a gently stroked her face and said "after this there will be no turning back, I want you to know that I will love you no matter what happens in our future, but I want to be sure that you truly want this as much as I do, and I do want it with all my heart and soul".
She looked deep into my eyes, to my very soul, and she spoke "My darling sweet boy… today I want you to take me as your own, to love me as the passionate man you have become. I am your mother I know, but I want to… no… I need to… become your lover".
Mom raised her face to mine and we kissed, long and deep. My tongue was again probing her mouth as her tongue probed mine. My hand caressed her soft belly, grabbed her small breasts, lightly pinching her nipples as she softly moaned. Soon my hand reached down to her pussy, soft, moist and yielding, my mom’s mouth opened and she let out her warm breath to bathe my face in her passion. "Yes, sweet heart, that feels so go…mmmm, ahhhh." She rolled toward into me, one of her feet began to rub my leg and I brought my hand around to her ass and began to squeeze her small round cheeks. I brought my face to her breasts and began to suckle her nipples, one to the other and back again, rolling the long stems of her nipples on my tongue.
Moms hand was rubbing my chest, tracing a line to my belly then down to my waiting cock. For the first time she grabbed my cock with conviction, pulling it firmly, running her fingers down the whole shaft, then gently cupping and massaging my balls "I am ready for you" she whispered "take me now".
I rolled her flat on her back and climbed above her. My mother looked small and helpless beneath me, her legs spread wide with my long and pulsating cock a menacing rod of both pleasure and pain poised to impale her. She looked up at me and in a husky whisper implored me to take her, to make her my lover, then I lowered my hips, and she closed her eyes, a smile of anticipated pleasure on her lips, I entered her, sliding smoothly inside, her pussy opening to accept my cock and then suddenly closing tight and grabbing me with a ferocity I had never felt before. I looked at her face, a look of mixed pleasure and pain, her body tensed, her hips raised off the bed, a load groan escaped her reddening lips, then, her face flushed, she opened her eyes wide and began to orgasm. Her lips an O she didn’t make any noise, she just became redder, the veins on her neck bulging, her fingernails digging into the flesh of my back until I bled, then with a series of grunts she began panting until spent, she fell back to the bed eyes closed.
As my mom settled down I began a slow rhythm, sliding in and out of the very same channel from which I came into the world and I said to her "I am one lucky guy". Mom looked up at me, running her hands over my chest brushing the fine hair on by body, and I continued "How many men ever get th chance to come full circle, to returned to the place of our birth". I started kissing her again, luxuriating in the sensations I was feeling, both physical and emotional. Each stroke began to quicken and while I wanted this feeling to last forever I was being drawn inexorably to a conclusion and a beginning. My mother sensed what was building in me and her intensity also began to build. Her kisses became more and more passionate, her hands grasping me firmly, holding me tightly to her slim body, so tight that I felt I might break her, but she continued to meet me move for move, thrust for thrust until finally, our sweaty bodies intertwined, we began to reach the pinnacle of our passions together, rising, rising, until, like a geyser, we exploded together, moaning together, my cum pouring deep into her grasping pussy, her juices covering my thrusting cock and mixing with my flowing seed, we finally collapsed together, our breathing slowing, our bodies cooling then she rolled over into me, to be held tight in my arms. In silence we lay, nothing else in the world but us.
The stillness was broken when my mom stirred and propped up on one elbow she looked into my eyes, happier than I have seen her in years and she took my hand a placed it over her heart and said to me "welcome home my son… welcome home my lover".
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
She stretched and let out a little squeal as she did so, then looking at me said "what did I do to deserve such a good son"?
"Good, clean living I guess. Wash up before it gets cold" and I reached out to help her up.
"Thanks sweetie" she said as she stood, then "wait… I need a hug". I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, holding her face to my chest and buried my nose in her hair. A mother’s smell is comforting, its one place we always feel safe, secure and loved, so why did I continue to feel a stirring in my loins? I couldn’t help myself, Monica and Beth were right, I am "a dirty boy".
I let go of her and we held hands as we walked inside. Mom said "wow, candles, how special. Is there a waiter serving us as well"?
"No, you’ll have to settle for me" I said with mock disappointment.
"That’s OK, I’m sure you’ll do a better job than some old waiter, besides how many waiters are this good looking" she said looking in my face holding and squeezing both my hands.
We ate our dinner with only a little small talk, the increasing sexual tension had become obvious to both of us. Where was this leading I wondered? To her warm naked embrace I hoped, but I was more nervous than I had ever been. All the women I had been with were sexy and beautiful to me. All were deserving of being treated like the special ladies they were, but this was different, very different. My mother, her face was familiar, yet it also belonged to someone who was a complete stranger. I decided to just continue down the road I was already travelling on, excited with the possibilities but afraid of the consequences.
"How about that swim" I asked hopefully?
"I’ll come and keep you company, how about that".
"OK, I guess, but eventually you ARE coming in" I said sternly.
She smiled and said "we’ll see big guy".
As we walked mom slipped her hand in mine and when I looked at her she smiled warmly. At the dock she sat on the edge and I jumped in, a cannon ball, and she shrieked as I got her wet. "You brat, you dirty little…" and then she began laughing. "I’m am gonna get you for that, when you least expect it, I’m am gonna get you".
I just smiled my mouth just below the water’s surface. I popped up and said "Since you’re already wet, why not just come on in"?
"All right" she said "you win, I’m coming".
I watched her stand then she turned around and I saw her unbutton her shorts and with her thumbs in the waist band she slid them off her slender hips and over her fine ass. As she bent over her ass was pointed right at my face and her suit had ridden up into the crack of her ass. All I wanted to do at that point was pull it out with my teeth. Then I began to wonder if Beth would want to lick my cum off my mother’s ass? Would Monica? I hoped to find out!
"There… now everyone can see my boney ass… happy" she asked?
I laughed, "First, no one can see you here but me, and second, I think you have a mighty fine derriere, no bones about it".
"Oh now you’re a comedian too? Let’s add that to you list of talents. Comedian, cook, counselor, you do it all" she said with a warm smile. She slipped into the water quietly and glided up next to me. "The water does feel nice, you were right again" all the time she talked she was looking deep into my eyes as a lover does. She took a deep breath and dropped below the surface, I felt her hands on my shorts and she yanked them down in one smooth motion.
I let out a yelp of surprise but I didn’t struggle, intrigued with what was happening. When she popped up she was holding the shorts and said "what will you give me to get them back to you"?
I smiled and said, "I don’t need them, I have always liked being naked".
My mom just twirled my shorts on her finger, then said "damn… I can’t get a rise out of you" and with that she threw my shorts to the shore and climbed out onto the dock, the water running off her back and down between her legs where I desperately wanted to be. She gathered up her towel and shorts saying with a devilish grin "Coming"?
I just smiled back and climbed out in all my naked glory. Her pantsing me caused my cock to begin to wake up. I walked over to my shorts and instead of putting them on I just handed them to my mom and said "you dropped these" and walked back to the cabin, my cock and balls waving heavy in the warm evening breeze.
My mom walked behind me up the path, then beside me. She grabbed my hand again and asked, "Want to watch the sunset with your old mom"?
I squeezed her hand and replied "No, but I’d love to watch it with a beautiful woman". Mom smiled at this and walked inside and grabbed a couple cold sodas, while I pulled my shorts back on.
She sat down on the porch loveseat and patted the spot next to her. She began to talk "Are we connecting" she asked? "I think we are and I think you feel it to".
"Mom, you know I love you with all my heart, but it’s going to take more than a weekend to make up for what’s already been done. I know you love me and have done your best to be a good mom, and I do love you for that and appreciate all the effort you have put into taking care of us, but the fact is you haven’t been a mom to me. Good bad or indifferent aren’t even choices for the kind of mom you have been because all you have been is absent".
Well, of course then the tears began to flow from both of us, and she turned away not sure what to say. I wrapped my arms around her, my tears dripping on her shoulder and whispered "Relax sweet heart, it’s OK, it’s OK, I’m not angry with you, just what life has dealt us. I love you and I want you to feel better about yourself, to remake yourself into a person you’re happy with".
My mom looked up at me, tears running down her cheeks, a lost and afraid little girl looking for comfort. Your right, I have been totally absent from you and your life. I want to make it up to you, but I just don’t know where to begin".
I smiled and kissed away her salty tears "My wonderful princess, you’ve made this great start, this trip is just what we needed".
"Yeah, I suppose it is… well, where do we go from here "she asked quietly. "I can’t go from absent mom to super mom in one quick swoop, I’m not even sure you will let me be a mom to you… or if you even need a mom".
"I will never stop needing you, but by not being with me, you have ignored your responsibilities as my parent and now the last six years are gone forever, you can’t get them back. Now… maybe we need to find a way to bring our lives together again, some special thing we can share together, like a hobby or other activity, something we both enjoy doing, that gets us excited to start a new day… yeah, we need a new start".
We both watched the sun set in a blaze of color, my arm around her and her head resting on my chest, both her hands resting innocently on my thigh. We sat in silence for a while until she asked "Do you think I’m pretty Tom"?
"I joked "For an old lady".
"No" she complained, sounding hurt, "I’m serious! You find Mrs. Tower attractive, I’m almost half her age and yet I don’t seem to turn any heads, not like I used to".
Ignoring the fact she was fishing for a compliment I said "You said you were pretty wild back in your younger days".
Mom nodded her head slightly and said "Yeah… I did some pretty wild things, some things I’m not proud of and others I really miss" and she became wistful again.
"What happened" I asked, "why the change"?
"I don’t know… life I guess… work, family… it all gets in the way".
"Tell me more about your wild days" I asked? "What did you like to do that was so bad or should I say Wild"?
"I don’t know that I can talk to you about this, it feels kind of… well… wrong".
"I have given you a LOT of personal information, things I have never spoken to anyone about before. I never kiss and tell, but I just did with you because you’re my mom and I trust you with my most personal secrets, and its only right and fair that you can do the same with me" I insisted.
She looked at me for a long moment and said "You’re right, you have, but I am still your mother and I think I need to hold some information back, I just don’t feel right about letting everything out. Are you OK with that?
"For now" I replied sounding disappointed.
"OK, OK don’t pout" she teased "A short time after Little Billy or should I say his big brother Gary introduced me to the pleasure of sex, I had another eye opening experience" and she left that hanging in the air between us for a moment and then continued "I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to tell you, I’m afraid you might not like what you hear".
I gently lifted her face to mine and said softly "I will never think bad things of you. I have felt your love in many different ways and our sharing this weekend has only strengthened my love. Go ahead I am listening and I promise no judgment".
"She smiled at me and said I know I shouldn’t worry about you, but it’s hard…. Ok, here goes. Like I said, just after my first sexual experience Dana, your aunt, and her boyfriend asked me to visit her at her college. While I was there we got drunk and high one night and I told them about losing my virginity. By the next morning I had learned many more things about sex, things I’m sure your grandparents never dreamed I would ever know in my lifetime".
"Did you have a… relationship… with Aunt Dana" I asked?
Mom was silent then she said softly "yes… I can’t believe I told you that. I know you’re going to hate me, think I’m dirty…."
"Stop" I insisted. "I said no judgment and I meant no judgment. Since you shared that I’ll tell you I have also shared two beautiful women, and you don’t think bad of me do you"?
She looked at me searching my eyes for the truth and said "I believe you… I would never think anything bad about you".
I didn’t believe what I was about to say but charged ahead as if in a dream watching myself "The two women were a mother and daughter…" and it was my turn to let that float in the air between us in silence.
Her head still resting on my chest she said very softly and with no sign of regret "Like mother, like son I suppose".
The sun had completely set now and the full moon was lighting up the horizon. Mom sat up straight, looked at me and said "It’s been a long day and I’m drained" she stood and added with a gentle smile "emotionally drained… but I don’t regret it". At that she turned and walked inside.
I gathered the soda cans and threw them out. I brushed my teeth and lay down on the sofa for the night. My mother’s door remained closed and an eerie silence filled the cabin. As I lay in the dark I began to think of my mother in a m?ge with Aunt Dana and her college boyfriend. My cock began to stir again, but I resisted the urge to satisfy myself, but then I heard my mother’s door open slowly and I saw a figure peeking out. Slowly the door opened all the way, and I moved so that my head rested on the arm of the sofa and I was looking at my mother’s silhouette framed by the door and brightly back lit by the full moon shining through her window. I could see her slim boyish body outlined under her night shirt, her face just a dark space above her body, inscrutable. Then I saw her hands move to her belly and begin to move about her torso. Lower belly, to upper belly then slowly to her chest. Her hands seemed to linger at her breasts and I understood that she was rubbing her nipples. I imagined them fully erect, straining against the material itching to be free. My cock sprang to life and was hard in a quick second, an obvious and menacing bulge, even in the dark, my left hand went behind my head to keep me comfortable while I watched my mother stimulate herself. I could resist the urge no more and my right hand moved to my cock and began to rub it through my shorts with long slow strokes. I heard my mother’s breathing quicken one hand always on a breast and the other exploring the rest of her beautiful self. Then she approached, and I found myself looking up to her face, her lips slightly parted and her chest heaving. My hand reached down my shorts and grabbed my now throbbing cock freeing it from my shorts, stroking… stroking. I lifted my hips and with my other hand pushed my shorts down and off my feet one at a time.
Mom’s eyes played up and down my body the way a woman does to a lover and then she spoke to me "This is wrong…"
I interrupted her "but mom…."
"Shhhhh…" she whispered "hush and listen… don’t talk" she continued, "I have been absent from your life, but you found the strength to become more of a man than anyone I have ever known" and as she spoke one hand began to brush my hair and then caress my face. "I watched you from afar these last six years, too proud to admit I needed help raising you, working so hard I never got close to you, I always thought I had time, but now I know I was so wrong. Time is a thief that flees in the night taking everything we hold near and dear. Now I find you’re all grown up without any help from me, young handsome and strong and I’m nothing to you anymore, just a lonely woman lost and missing the son I never gave away, but gave up all the same".
"I’m here for you now…" I started to say, but she hushed me again with a finger on my lips.
"I need to talk and I need you need to listen" then she smiled a sweet loving smile. She squatted next to me, her eyes lingering on parts of my body normally hidden from all but the people we are most intimate with. Her fingers tracing a path to my chest, the sensation of pleasure in my cock building. I wanted her so badly, but I sensed this was not to be. "This weekend was the first time in years I had the chance to really look at you, and I have to say I liked what I saw. Your handsome face, beautiful body, toned and tanned… and that magnificent cock of yours… I saw you had become a sexual being and you were no longer my little boy. I became afraid I had lost you and would never find you again, but after last night and today I realized you had grown into a fine young man, honest, caring, and strong, physically and emotionally, stronger than I ever was or will be". Then she gave me a mock serious look and continued "Don’t think I didn’t notice all your sexual teasing, shamelessly flaunting your manhood in front of me, that was driving me crazy" then her look became soft again and she continued "I’ll be honest I loved every second of it, but I have been battling myself every waking minute. You see, I had finally found the perfect man for me…" and as she said this she bent over to me, her breath warm and moist against my lips, I couldn’t hold back any longer and I began to climax just as her lips brushed softly against mine, sending sparks to all corners of my body, a stream of my hot cum burst from my cock in spasms to coat my chest and belly again and again until it dripped slowly over my hand that held my cock, she then softly finished "but he cannot be my lover because he is my son".
My mom then stood and walked to the kitchen where she wet a towel, letting the water run until it was warm. She came back to me looking so very sexy, her body close to me but untouchable. She wiped me clean, lingering on my still engorged cock "I always enjoyed giving you baths as a baby, you were always such a sweet baby, but now… "Then mom was quiet and I could see a tear on her cheek. When she finished she smiled and bent over kissing my forehead, "good night my prince" and then she disappeared into her room.
I lay restless for hours, my mind spinning "what just happened" I asked myself? Finally I fell asleep, and I dreamed I was talking to my mother and she was imploring me not to give up on her, to be patient and she would be mine in time.
When I awoke the next morning to the smell of brewing coffee, the dawn was just beginning to push out the night. I stood up, my morning erection heavy in my shorts. I went out to the patio, but mom wasn’t there. I walked to the river and she was nowhere to be seen. As I walked back to the cabin I saw a lounge chair was missing. I figured she was out front watching the sun rise. I went back inside and poured her a cup of coffee, added the milk and sugar she liked and went looking for her.
"Good morning sweetheart" she said from her lounge chair, a blanket covering her. She added "Beautiful sunrise this morning… please sit and join me".
As I approached she stood up and motioned for me to sit where she had been "I need a cuddle" she said.
"I poured you a cup, milk and sugar like you like it" I said as I held it out to her. She thanked me, and took the cup from my hands. I sat where she showed me and she waited as I opened my legs to make room for her. The tip of my cock peering out from the leg of my shorts, she turned around and as she straddled the chair preparing to sit, I saw her white panties, her ass exposed because her panties had pushed into the crack of her ass. I took her hips and guided her down. When she was seated she pushed back into me tightly, and as she spread the blanket over us I began to grow hard. When she felt my cocks head stab her back, she shifted forward and allowed my shaft to shift into a more comfortable position, then she surprised me and pressed back into me. I knew she felt my excitement, and she was letting it happen.
"I always loved the dawn" she said. "I feel it means a chance for new beginnings, each dawn a chance to do things over a chance to get things right, like a clean slate… like yesterday never happened". After a moment she added "I haven’t seen many dawns these last six years, it’s hard to enjoy them when you cooped up working". My mom rested her head on my chest. She smelled of stale sweat and sunscreen and I loved it. She seemed to melt into my body and began to gently rub my leg.
I pressed my face into her hair, "I love you mom" I whispered, "This IS the start of a new day… of new beginnings if you choose, and like this sunrise this beginning could be a beautiful thing, or it can be just another day like those of the last six years, but you just need to ask yourself, do you want more guaranteed unhappiness and no change or do you want to take a chance at happiness and big changes".
"The kind of change you’re talking about scares the hell out of me" she said. "This could destroy any chance of us having a normal loving relationship. What you want… what I want… always seems to screw up relationships. I don’t want to take that risk, I CAN’T take that risk.
I thought for a minute, my mother had some good points. I was conflicted, a raging battle in my mind between the little boy who wanted his mommy and the ever more powerful man I was becoming who wanted to take her, hold her in my arms, and pleasure her as a lover. I finally found my voice and as the little boy faded into the back ground of my mind I spoke "How often do you talk to Aunt Dana" I asked?
"I know where you’re going with this but that was totally different from this " she protested.
"Three times a week… four" I continued?
After a moment she replied quietly "Yeah… three or four".
I pressed on "You had multiple sexual relationships with your sister, sharing your lovers and each other I bet". I watched her neck and shoulders become flush, so I knew I was right and continued, determined to win her. "Nearly ten years of intimacy, and yet today you have a loving relationship but no sex. When you talk what do you talk about"?
"Our jobs, our families, children… you… how unhappy I am" she said with a sigh.
"Do you ever talk about your past or about having sex again"?
"No, that part of our lives is over. Your father became career oriented and didn’t want anything to jeopardize that, and then Dana hooked up with your uncle who is very old fashioned about sex. Kinky to him means leaving the lights on" and she laughed softly.
Softly, I continued "Sex didn’t destroy your relationship with Dana did it"?
She didn’t answer right away and I didn’t press her because we both knew the answer.
In silence we watched the sun rise above the distant horizon. Her body felt wonderful against mine, and I wanted so much for this to last. My cock softened slowly but mom remained pressed against me, her head on my chest. When the sun was fully in the sky and we felt its warm rays mom stood up and put down her coffee cup, folding the blanket and draping it over her arm she said "Come with me" and as she held out her hand she had a warm smile on her face. I took her hand and stood up then we proceeded inside. As she led me past the kitchen I put her cup down and continued walking behind her, hopeful. She tossed the blanket on the bed and continued to the bath. She bent over the tub and she ran the water until she was satisfied with the temperature. "Climb in sweetie, let’s get you cleaned up".
I pulled my shorts down, my cock pulsating to an erection. When I went to sit down she said "hold on, let me wash your legs" and proceeded to dip the wash cloth in the water and soap it up. She ran the cloth gently over my legs and then began to hum a song sweet and familiar, and I began to say the words in my head "Hush little baby, don’t say a word…." Suddenly I was a small child again. I watched my mother, her face peaceful and serene, once again bathing her little boy. "Momma loves her sweet boy" she said almost absentmindedly. She rubbed the cloth up the crack of my ass then over my fully erect cock jutting forward long and proud, her eyes looking intently, devouring every inch, stroking gently. When she took the cloth away her soapy fingers gave me a few more tentative strokes and she said "You are magnificent my love" then she motioned for me to sit and after I did she put her hand on my back to guide me forward. My mom washed my back, then after guiding me to sit back she also washed my chest… so gentle.
"My mind is a confused mess she finally said. I don’t know what to do".
"Join me" I said "we’ll wash away the past together, and then we can explore our future together".
"That future scares the hell out of me" she said as she stood up.
I followed her with my eyes and said softly "Me too mom, me too… but I am too far gone, my desires too strong and I see no other way, I want you… I need you".
Her smile was gentle towards me as she removed her night shirt, her small breasts gently drooping but her nipples thick and erect. She removed her panties, her bush thin but unshaven and her pussy lips so thick and inviting. She stepped into the tub sitting opposite me. I took the wash cloth and began to wash her feet and legs, she slid down in the tub, relaxed. I bent forward until I needed to shift forward to wash her belly and back. I kneeled in front of her, my cock pointing at her, veins popping. I washed her breasts gently and ran my soapy fingers over her nipples as she watched my face with so much love in her eyes.
We both moved closer, our legs wrapping around each other and we each began to wash each other’s hair, our hands moving slowly, gently, then I spoke "This is a new dawn for us, we will never again be the people we were last week or even yesterday. We have washed away all our yesterdays and only our tomorrows remain, we will work hard to build our lives anew and I promise you I will always be there for you".
"And I for you" my mom whispered, and then she breathlessly said what I have been aching to hear all weekend "Take me Tom, take me as you take a lover".
I pulled her close, my arms enveloping her, my cock gently brushing her soft soapy belly, her eyes sleepy with desire, her lips gently parted, we kissed for the first time as lovers do. Softly, gently tugging at each others lips, then our mouths opened and our tongues began to explore, gently at first but then with increasing intensity until our lips broke apart, forehead to forehead, breath ragged I said "Lets rinse off".
I untangled my legs from her and stood. I reached out and took both her hands and helped her to her feet, she looked into my eyes smiling, and then she turned around, and bent down to open the drain, white soap suds slowly running down her back side. The shower was soon running warm and we stood in its rain, an embrace of passion, my cock slippery against her soft belly, our lips hungrily devouring each other, hands groping and exploring each other’s bodies.
Again, we pulled apart, mom shut off the water and I grabbed a soft towel and surrounded her in its dry warmth and gently rubbed her dry. Mom then did the same for me starting playfully at my head, and ending sensuously at my cock, looking me in the eyes as she stroked the length of my shaft with the towel. She smiled and said of my cock "I do good work".
I smiled down at her then took the towel from her and tossed it aside. I stepped out of the tub and held her hand as she stepped out to join me. We walked together to her bed and she said "I should have been sharing this with you all weekend".
I swept her up into my arms like a little baby, looked into her eyes and answered, "We will have many years to share your bed, today is just the beginning", and as I bent into kiss her she pulled back playfully and said "you don’t snore do you"?
"Aghhhh…!" I shouted "you’re a tease" and I then gently laid her down on the bed and I lay myself next to her propped up on one elbow. I reached out a gently stroked her face and said "after this there will be no turning back, I want you to know that I will love you no matter what happens in our future, but I want to be sure that you truly want this as much as I do, and I do want it with all my heart and soul".
She looked deep into my eyes, to my very soul, and she spoke "My darling sweet boy… today I want you to take me as your own, to love me as the passionate man you have become. I am your mother I know, but I want to… no… I need to… become your lover".
Mom raised her face to mine and we kissed, long and deep. My tongue was again probing her mouth as her tongue probed mine. My hand caressed her soft belly, grabbed her small breasts, lightly pinching her nipples as she softly moaned. Soon my hand reached down to her pussy, soft, moist and yielding, my mom’s mouth opened and she let out her warm breath to bathe my face in her passion. "Yes, sweet heart, that feels so go…mmmm, ahhhh." She rolled toward into me, one of her feet began to rub my leg and I brought my hand around to her ass and began to squeeze her small round cheeks. I brought my face to her breasts and began to suckle her nipples, one to the other and back again, rolling the long stems of her nipples on my tongue.
Moms hand was rubbing my chest, tracing a line to my belly then down to my waiting cock. For the first time she grabbed my cock with conviction, pulling it firmly, running her fingers down the whole shaft, then gently cupping and massaging my balls "I am ready for you" she whispered "take me now".
I rolled her flat on her back and climbed above her. My mother looked small and helpless beneath me, her legs spread wide with my long and pulsating cock a menacing rod of both pleasure and pain poised to impale her. She looked up at me and in a husky whisper implored me to take her, to make her my lover, then I lowered my hips, and she closed her eyes, a smile of anticipated pleasure on her lips, I entered her, sliding smoothly inside, her pussy opening to accept my cock and then suddenly closing tight and grabbing me with a ferocity I had never felt before. I looked at her face, a look of mixed pleasure and pain, her body tensed, her hips raised off the bed, a load groan escaped her reddening lips, then, her face flushed, she opened her eyes wide and began to orgasm. Her lips an O she didn’t make any noise, she just became redder, the veins on her neck bulging, her fingernails digging into the flesh of my back until I bled, then with a series of grunts she began panting until spent, she fell back to the bed eyes closed.
As my mom settled down I began a slow rhythm, sliding in and out of the very same channel from which I came into the world and I said to her "I am one lucky guy". Mom looked up at me, running her hands over my chest brushing the fine hair on by body, and I continued "How many men ever get th chance to come full circle, to returned to the place of our birth". I started kissing her again, luxuriating in the sensations I was feeling, both physical and emotional. Each stroke began to quicken and while I wanted this feeling to last forever I was being drawn inexorably to a conclusion and a beginning. My mother sensed what was building in me and her intensity also began to build. Her kisses became more and more passionate, her hands grasping me firmly, holding me tightly to her slim body, so tight that I felt I might break her, but she continued to meet me move for move, thrust for thrust until finally, our sweaty bodies intertwined, we began to reach the pinnacle of our passions together, rising, rising, until, like a geyser, we exploded together, moaning together, my cum pouring deep into her grasping pussy, her juices covering my thrusting cock and mixing with my flowing seed, we finally collapsed together, our breathing slowing, our bodies cooling then she rolled over into me, to be held tight in my arms. In silence we lay, nothing else in the world but us.
The stillness was broken when my mom stirred and propped up on one elbow she looked into my eyes, happier than I have seen her in years and she took my hand a placed it over her heart and said to me "welcome home my son… welcome home my lover".
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: